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Haddow Internet Network Status History For 2005

16:55 28-Dec-2005 Main link back on line, Telstra just turned up because of a fault that was logged on the 22nd dec, and he started to play around with the lines to the place. After replacing a join in the junction box on the corner of the street (that took him just over 1hr to do) he then wanted to see my modem (Like NO WAY) he recked part of the problem was with the modem, but as I stated to him the problem was with the dslam at the phone exchange (& telstra had just over 10 reports on that day for that exchange with the same problem, and that I saw when the dslam was rebooted).
15:40 28-Dec-2005 Main link down, look into it.
09:40 24-Dec-2005 Due to ports upgrade on the servers yesterday, the server has been running a bit slow, and the graph program had stop working, after a major reconfigure the servers are working better.
18:13 22-Dec-2005 Main link back on line. Telstra needed to reboot the dslam at the exchange.
17:30 22-Dec-2005 Talked to Sydney, they reckon it is the local phone exchange near Haddow Internet.
16:50 22-Dec-2005 Main Link down, On the phone to Sydney to find out why.
10:30 19-Dec-2005 Perth server back on line, tech trying to find out what has happen on the server.
17:00 18-Dec-2005 Perth server still playing up, looks like the new sever is not playing the game, and rebooting for no reason, tech is trying to fix the problem.
12:00 18-Dec-2005 Perth server is going up and down, Tech is on site.
10:20 18-Dec-2005 Perth server down, looking into it.
14:00 11-Dec-2005 Atkinsonet dsl Back On Line, Tech required on site.
23:10 10-Dec-2005 Atkinsonet dsl is down.
08:35 05-Dec-2005 Atkinsonet dsl back on line
02:35 05-Dec-2005 Atkinsonet dsl is down.
23:50 03-Dec-2005 Atkinsonet had problems with some of the servers coming back on line(Scripting problems), all services back on line now.
18:50 02-Dec-2005 Atkinsonet link back on line, power returned at 18:47.
13:35 02-Dec-2005 Main link back on line, Atkinsonet Servers Down, No power in parts of Albury.
12:45 02-Dec-2005 Main link down, Big storm in Albury/Wodonga.

13:00 30-Nov-2005 Please take note. All dns to haddow.net.au has been changed as of the 30th of November 2005, this might cause your web site to be down for about 1-2 days, This is to help stop spam problems we are having, we are sorry for any problems and hope the change over goes easy
14:45 29-Nov-2005 Perth back on line, They had some BIG problems with routing on the link, causing 12hr down time (more to follow)
02:25 29-Nov-2005 Perth backup servers are down, the servers are in the stage of moving to a new site, The main link and all but one backup dns server online.(They hope to finish the move by 0700, I hope)
08:00 25-Nov-2005 Atkinsonet adsl back on line, Looks like Westnet lost pppoe yet again.
07:20 25-Nov-2005 Atkinsonet adsl is down again, looking into it (main link still up).
14:35 23-Nov-2005 Sydney down for 15min, looks like it is a problem at AAPT (Again).
13:45 23-Nov-2005 Main Link back on-line, Needed a modem reboot, Log files claim the link was up, (could ping one outside server but no others) still looking into why it hapen.
11:20 23-Nov-2005 Main link down, Looking into it.
08:50 22-Nov-2005 Atkinsonet adsl back on line, Looks like Westnet lost pppoe again.
05:05 22-Nov-2005 Atkinsonet adsl is down again, looking into it (main link still up).
08:00 20-Nov-2005 Atkinsonet Servers Back On Line, The site lost power & the ups crached at the same time, taking out all services to the site.
23:40 19-Nov-2005 Atkinsonet Servers Down, looking into it.
19:10 17-Nov-2005 Atkinsonet adsl back on line, Looks like Westnet lost pppoe to the modem.
18:40 17-Nov-2005 Atkinsonet adsl is down, looking into it (main line still up).
03:00 15-Nov-2005 ISP In Sydney main office link is down, taking out some proxy services, But H.I. Main link is still on line.
08:00 14-Nov-2005 Telstra Bigpond have stuffed up, they are blocking emails from most out side mail servers, calming the problem is that the servers are listed with a dns spam list. (error log "451 Mail from this IP address blocked due to DNS block list")
After checking with 255 spam lists Haddow Internet is not listed. If you need to receive emails via your domain hosted with Haddow Internet, and you have a Telstra/Bigpond account, then call Telstra Bigpond & demand that they fix there service (as all the domain's hosted with Haddow Internet, are not listed with any spam list and are checked daily).
05:25 08-Nov-2005 Main Link Back On Line, Looks like Telstra's Dslam at my phone exchange needed a reboot.
05:05 08-Nov-2005 Main link down, Looking into it.

07:45 25-Oct-2005 Atkinsonet dsl Back on line, Looks like a router problem at AAPT.
04:10 25-Oct-2005 Atkinsonet dsl down, Trying to find out way.
18:00 21-Oct-2005 There was a problem with the main E-mail server, this was caused by a conflict with a customers Domain settings, this only stopped some e-mails from Australia not being received. All is fixed and will not happen again.
11:40 18-Oct-2005 Main link is back on line, Looks like it was AAPT lost ppp.
11:30 18-Oct-2005 Main Link Down, Looking into it.
15:54 18-Oct-2005 The link is back on line.
15:43 18-Oct-2005 One of Sydney Main links is down.
08:46 18-Oct-2005 Atkinsonet dsl back on line, PPP was down from there ISP.
02:20 18-Oct-2005 Atkinsonet dsl down, Trying to find out way.
19:30 04-Oct-2005 Main Link Back Online, Looks like it was AAPT loosing ppp.
19:00 04-Oct-2005 Main Link Down, Looking into it.

08:30 24-Sep-2005 All Links back on line, dsl modem needed a reboot.
01:40 24-Sep-2005 Main Link down, Comms Rack in Sydney is on the move.
23:25 24-Sep-2005 Sydney is down, This is due to a Site move, (The company in Sydney is moving place of Business)
10:00 20-Sep-2005 Haddow Internet has done a major reconfigure of the main server, Making it responding quicker for web pages
13:00 08-Sep-2005 Main link back on line, some one in Sydney did some changes and killed all adsl on there network.
11:00 08-Sep-2005 Lost main link, Looking into it.

17:55 28-Aug-2005 Sydney back on line, The DSL up there froze up, requiring a staff member to reboot it.
14:05 28-Aug-2005 One of Sydney servers is down, Main link still on line.
15:05 25-Aug-2005 Main link back on line, the problem looks like it was at AAPT again.
14:35 25-Aug-2005 Main Link down, Looking into it.
20:45 20-Aug-2005 All finished, quicker then expected. Started at 20:25 finished at 20:45.
09:00 20-Aug-2005 After 20:00 tonight a major backup will be done on all H.I. Servers,
This will make the service a bit slow for about 1 hour.
10:10 16-Aug-2005 Link to Perth has been up & down all night,It started from 01:00 and stoped by 03:45. All other main links were still up.
11:00 16-Aug-2005 Link to Perth back on line, There has been a mager reroute in Sydney,
the Org. Line is still down.
10:10 16-Aug-2005 Lost link to Perth, One of telstra & All of Connect links to perth is down.
23:00 15-Aug-2005 Backup dns server back on line, Problem with Telstra.
21:15 15-Aug-2005 Lost link to one of the Backup dns servers in Sydney.

18:50 29-Jul-2005 Main link back on line, Looks like AAPT lost one of there dslam links.
18:11 29-Jul-2005 Main link down, Looking into it.
08:25 27-Jul-2005 Sydney Server back on line, DSL link problem again.
07:50 27-Jul-2005 Sydney Server down again.
14:00 26-Jul-2005 Backup dns server back on line, been down since 12:00 19/07/05.
06:05 26-Jul-2005 Main ADSL link back on line, Looks like the problem was in sydney at "AAPT" again.
06:00 26-Jul-2005 Main ADSL Link down, Trying to find out why.
09:00 24-Jul-2005 Sydney Server back on line, One of the shdsl links crashed.
06:10 24-Jul-2005 Sydney Server down, The main link is still up.
12:00 19-Jul-2005 One of the backup dns servers is down, Still have 6 other servers running A.OK.
18:40 08-Jul-2005 Atkinsonet dsl back on line, Looks like it was "Westnet".
17:45 08-Jul-2005 Atkinsonet dsl down, Trying to find out way.
10:00 08-Jul-2005 Sydney DNS server back on line, Looks like it was a "Swiftel" link probem.
01:20 08-Jul-2005 One of the backup DNS servers in Sydney is down. Looking into it
17:15 06-Jul-2005 Perth server back on line, Looks like it was hosting company's main link.
16:25 06-Jul-2005 Perth server down, Looking into it.
14:55 06-Jul-2005 ADSL back on line, Looks like it was "AAPT" Again.
14:40 06-Jul-2005 ADSL main link Down, Unknow why.

12:20 30-Jun-2005 ADSL back on line, Looks like it was AAPT losing Dslam Auth.
12:05 30-Jun-2005 ADSL main link Down, Unknow why.
11:55 30-Jun-2005 Albury link down, Unknow why looking into it.
01:35 24-Jun-2005 ADSL back on line, Still unknow why, looking into it.
01:25 24-Jun-2005 ADSL is down, Unknow why.
21:10 19-Jun-2005 One of H.I. link server is back on line, Unknow why.
03:00 19-Jun-2005 One of H.I. link server is down, Unknow why.
14:00 17-Jun-2005 Due to a update the DSL Link to the main servers needed a reboot, Down time was 1Min.
10:45 17-Jun-2005 Backup dns server is back on line. Link Problem in Sydney to this server.
All services were still on line.
04:30 17-Jun-2005 One of the backup DNS servers is down. Unknow why
01:10 11-Jun-2005 Bigpond ADSL link 4 is back on line. Unknow why
10:45 10-Jun-2005 Bigpond ADSL link 4 is down, Looking in to it. This does not affect us at all.
15:25 01-Jun-2005 Main Link Back on line, ADSL modem froze up, needed a reboot.
14:45 01-Jun-2005 Main Link Down, Trying to find out why.

16:20 28-May-2005 Sydney Link Buck on line, It looks like the same problem as yesterday,
Trying to find out more about this problem.
13:00 28-May-2005 Sydney Link Down, Trying to find out why.
17:10 27-May-2005 Sydney Link Backup, It looks like AAPT tryed to reasign the
Sydney servers main link to another company. Taking out all adsl's,
Roaming Dial Up's could log in but could not access the internet, local Dial up's AOK.
16:20 27-May-2005 Sydney Link Down, It looks like a problem in AAPT.
21:15 24-May-2005 Sydney Link Backup, Un Know Why.
21:05 24-May-2005 Sydney Link Down, checking why.
13:00 13-May-2005 Perth server back on line, admin went on-site and corrected the problem,
the server needed a reboot.
10:30 16-May-2005 Perth server is down, Trying to find out why,
2 backup name servers and a backup web server down, main site A.O.K.
10:00 16-May-2005 Change to the albury link, stoping problems with some local dialup links.
12:00 13-May-2005 Sydney server back on line, A config problem on the server.
08:45 13-May-2005 One of Sydney servers down, I am looking into it.
Causing problems with ADSL's and roaming dial up login's, Main site A.O.K.
09:30 10-May-2005 Link back on line, No services lost, It seems like the same problem as 12:20 7/05/05
00:50 10-May-2005 Sydney to Albury Link Down, Looking into it
12:20 07-May-2005 Sydney to Albury Link back on line, AAPT lost a link for 9 hrs.
10:30 07-May-2005 Sydney server back on line.
05:50 07-May-2005 One of Sydney servers down, Un-known why, tracing the problem.
02:55 07-May-2005 Link from Sydney to Albury down, We are still on line.
00:58 06-May-2005 ADSL back on line, Local Dslam at the exchange rebooted "Un Know Why".
00:53 06-May-2005 Dslam Interface Down, Looking into it.
10:00 04-May-2005 Backup Mail Server back on line,
Config file problem, mail was not received for admin ONLY.
16:40 03-May-2005 Backup Mail Server Failed, "Checking Why"
11:30 03-May-2005 Sydney Main Internet Link "back on line", Problem was with Powertel link.
02:00 03-May-2005 Problem In Sydney With A Main Internet link.

22:24 14-Apr-2005 Power restored A.O.K.
21:57 14-Apr-2005 Power black-out, Running on ups at this stage.

09:30 19-Mar-2005 ADSL modem crashed, rebooted and all back up.
00:15 19-Mar-2005 Telstra dslam in Wodonga West was down,
found out that telstra was working on the exchange.
07:30 17-Mar-2005 ADSL went down, it looks like there was a Telstra Dslam in sydney down for 30 min.
01:30 02-Mar-2005 Power back on, after 6hours, all servers booted up fine.
20:00 01-Mar-2005 Battary's all used up, shutting down all server.
19:23 01-Mar-2005 Big Storm with golf ball hail stones came to alb/wod, lost power,
Running on battary at this stage

02:20 24-Feb-2005 ADSL lines back up.
01:15 24-Feb-2005 Telstra lost a dslam in Sydney killing adsl to most ISP's in Australia
20:30 20-Feb-2005 The sight lost power for about 20Sec, Servers stayed up but ADSL went down,
Checking into it, It looks like the Dslam at the Phone company stop responding
(That is telstra for you) "Down for 15min"
08:30 20-Feb-2005 There was a beep in the server room, Looked in there seem ok,
But cheching in to it I found that the adsl was down,
Rebooted it and all works ok now, "Down for 5 min"
02:30 18-Feb-2005 Sydney back on line.
01:50 18-Feb-2005 Sydney down again, Trying to find out why.
16:15 17-Feb-2005 Sydyey server back on line, Sydney dosn't now why.
15:30 17-Feb-2005 Sydney server down
11:30 08-Feb-2005 Update took a bit longer then expected, as it killed "sendmail",
"ranges" and other programs.
Requiring a complete reboot of the server
09:30 08-Feb-2005 Ipfw will be updated, Killing all links for about 5min,
Backup server will still except e-mail

16:00 25-Jan-2005 New Ip Address on the Perth servers. Update took about 1 hour.
09:00 23-Jan-2005 ADSL back on line, "No report on why it went down".
04:35 23-Jan-2005 ADSL went down accross the hole network.

All time stated above are in AEST (or AEDST) unless other wise stated. UTC Time Definition, CST Time Definition, AEST Time Definition